Tuesday, August 30. 2011
 | After C3 Presents declined to participate in our article about concert safety at their ACL Festival event in Austin, two weeks ago we went in search of someone at the City of Austin's Information Office. After a few days we received a response from Jason Maurer Sales and Events Manager in the Office of Special Events at the Austin Parks and Recreation Department who indicated he would be happy to answer our questions and arrange a conference call.
Last week we submitted the following questions, and as yet are still waiting on both a response and a conference call.
What City Agencies are involved in ACL Festival (or what aren't)?
Who is the overall head of the security and safety planning aspects of the ACL festival, both organization and name if possible?
What City Departments are involved with the safety and security aspects of the Event?
What City Permits are required to have the ACL event?
What City Permits are required to erect portable stages at ACL or any other event in the City of Austin?
What inspections of portable stages are required, made, and by who at ACL or any other event in the City of Austin?
Are events of this nature required to submit an overall safety plan for the event, and if so to who?
Does the Festival have a mass evacuation plan?
In the event of a disaster requiring evacuation of the park facility, who would be in charge on scene?
How many first responders will be on site for the event?
Are there plans in place for a multi-casualty disaster that eclipses their capabilities or resources to respond on site?
Have the first responders or private security and medical agencies received specific instruction or training on a mass casualty situation at this event?
Access to/from the event is very controlled both by nature of the event and the geographic nature of the park. The map provided on ACL Festivals web site is not very clear or specific about exits. Even a $29.00 hotel has to provide a map of their exits to their customers. How will exit information be communicated?
How many regular exits does the park venue have that are public accessible?
How many emergency exits does the park have that are accessible to anyone?
How is the event planning on communicating emergency information to it's audience should a disaster occur?
We have further questions as well, we hope to get the opportunity to ask them.