Contact Us
club kingsnake is an international communal music web site and blog started in 2006 that covers virtually all genres of live music. Our staff and contributors are all volunteers whose participation is based in their love of live music. Over the years have spent thousands of hours writing and photographing artists and bands on stages large and small and this web site is the product of their efforts.
Based in Austin Texas, the live music capital of the world, over the years our contribtors have filed reviews and photos from London, Toronto, Milwaukee, Chicago, Los Angeles and a number of cities world wide. Covering small clubs to huge festivals, contributors have covered major events such as Bonaroo, Coachella, ACL Fest, SXSW amd more.
We are always looking for people interested in live music to volunteer for a variety of roles, from photographing and interviewing artists and bands, to posting news stories and tour anouncements. To contribute as a photographer, writer, or editor please contact contact the editors by email
We get emails, lots and lots of emails. Whether it's from readers, bands, publicists, promotors or record labels, we want to hear from you. If you have tips, suggestions, complaints or questions, please send us an emailTo contact the individual contributing photographers, please visit our contributor page for specific contact information.
Send Promotional Materials To:
OnlineHobbyist.com, Inc.
Attn: Club Kingsnake
P.O. Box 104
Walburg, Texas 78673-0104
To send news tips, tour annoucements, interview requests and press releases please contact the editors by email
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The Hymns at The Cedar Door, Austin...
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