Monday, April 4. 2011
by Jeff Barringer - Staff Writer & Photographer
The Scissor Sisters really sold out... Stubb's, that is.
If you haven't heard of them, that probably means you're not a dance music fan and/or you don't live in Europe, where they've broken into the mainstream and collaborated with artists like Elton John and Kylie Minogue.
Whether due to support from Austin's sizable (and reliably dance music-friendly) LGBT community or buzz from the Sisters' 2010 SXSW appearance, they had their sold-out audience in a frenetic dance frenzy from the start when they appeared at Stubb's last night. With a pounding bassline provided by Babydaddy and backing by drummer Randy Real, the band reeled through a succession of their songs while the audience squealed.
Expect the Scissor Sisters' U.S. profile to get a considerable boost in the coming months; they've spent the last few months as the opener on Lady Gaga's tour.
If you missed them in Austin, there are a few 2011 dates left here in the States; check out for details.
Click here for the rest of the Scissor Sisters pics.
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